Ridgewell is a small, picturesque village located in a rural area in North West Essex, near the Suffolk border, 15 miles north of Braintree and 6 miles south of Haverhill. The population is around 500, living in approximately 250 residences and the village is surrounded by rich arable farm land.
These community pages are maintained by the Parish Council for the benefit of the whole community. Here you'll find everything you need to know about our village community. Also available are minutes and agendas from Parish Council meetings along with information about the village.
If you would like to add to the site, including the Events Calendar, please email the Clerk at ridgewellpc@gmail.com. For more information on upcoming events & markets try our facebook page here or try our Nextdoor neighbourhood.
Highway issue? power cut? need recycling sacks? check out Problem? who do I contact?
Village Hall - If you want to hire the village hall please send your e-mail to ridgewellvhbookings@gmail.com to check availability.
Christmas Fayre 6th December 2025 at 1.00pm Ridgewell Christmas Fayre starts 1pm Saturday at Ridgewell Village Hall
At 4.15pm, the Christmas tree lighting event with carols will start on the green, then back to the hall for mince pies and mulled wine.
Local information
Upcoming events.
Do you have upcoming events? Email details to ridgewellpc@gmail.com to include here.