Your Parish Councillors

Ridgewell Parish Council is made up of 7 Councillors.  Parish Councillors do not get paid for performing this important role.  Councillors are elected every four years.  The next election is due in May 2027.   If there are no more candidates than the number of Councillors, election is automatic.  If a vacancy occurs during the four-year term, permission is sought from the District Council to co-opt a replacement unless ten Parishioners demand an election.

A Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected annually from amongst the Councillors.  This takes place at each May meeting of the Council.  

Current membership of the Council is as follows:

Cllr Robert Steward - (Chairman)

Cllr Louise Beauchamp-Crane (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Mandy Gurney

Cllr Barry Anderson

Register of Interests for Parish Councillors


Our District Councillor is Mrs Iona Parker -

Party:  Conservative Ward:  Stour Valley North


Telephone No.:  01787 237246  Mobile No.:  07802 821450

Our County Councillor is Peter Schwier

Party: Conservative Party Ward:  Hedingham


Tel No.:  01787 460473


Our MP for Braintree is  James Cleverly

Party: Conservative Party

Contact Details: House of Commons London SW1A 0AA

Tel. 020 7219 8593
