Village Hall AGM
Village Hall Annual General Meeting 2025
Ridgewell Village Hall Wednesday 2nd April at 7:15pm
Please come and support your Village Hall!
Ridgewell Village Hall is a community charity run by local volunteers.
Your support is essential for us to continue serving our community.

Refuse Truck
The refuse truck will be parked on Church Lane, near the notice board, from 9am.
For general items, and bulky items at their discretion. Cannot accept sofas, electrical items including TVs, fridges, freezers, computers, asbestos, liquids, batteries, rubble or hazardous waste, paint, oils, tyres, chemicals, upholstered items:
Sofa beds
Kitchen & dining room chairs (containing any upholstery)
Stools & footstools (containing any upholstery)
Home office chairs (containing any upholstery)
Bean bags, floor and sofa cushions
Including any part made of or containing leather, synthetic leather, other fabric or foam.

Nancy May in concert
Friday, 8th August at St Lawrence Church
Classical singer Nancy May, is a vibrant soprano who has guested on and duetted with Russell Watson on his Magnificent Buildings Tour of 2024 and will be doing so again during 2025.
St Lawrence Church has been honoured to engage Nancy to perform in concert on Friday, 8th August to mark the end of World War II (close to the anniversary of VJ Day which as we all know is 15th August). No doubt there will be plenty of patriotic songs along with many numbers from the time. To read more about Nancy go to www.nancy-may.co.uk.
More information about this exciting concert will follow in the coming months, including how to buy tickets.

Parish Council Meeting
Agenda to be published in advance
What is the Parish Council?
Despite our name, we are unconnected to the church but instead are a legally-recognised community council. Our role is threefold.
We are grass roots local government, albeit voluntary and apolitical. The council is consulted by Braintree and Essex Councils on village matters, including planning consultations.
We are responsible for maintenance of Village Greens, lighting, allotments, paths and street furniture, for which we receive a small element of your council tax. What we can’t fix we can raise to the responsible authority.
Finally, the councillors are people wanting to be involved in our community and are active in support of village organisations and events.

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Christmas Fayre
Ridgewell Christmas Fayre, starts 1pm at the Ridgewell Village Hall
At 4.15pm, we gather at the village green for the Christmas tree lighting with carols, then back to the hall for mince pies and mulled wine.

Pop up Cafe
The Last Pop-up Cafe of the Year!
Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Parish Council Meeting
Agenda to be published in advance
What is the Parish Council?
Despite our name, we are unconnected to the church but instead are a legally-recognised community council. Our role is threefold.
We are grass roots local government, albeit voluntary and apolitical. The council is consulted by Braintree and Essex Councils on village matters, including planning consultations.
We are responsible for maintenance of Village Greens, lighting, allotments, paths and street furniture, for which we receive a small element of your council tax. What we can’t fix we can raise to the responsible authority.
Finally, the councillors are people wanting to be involved in our community and are active in support of village organisations and events.

Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday memorial ceremony
Ceremony open to all.
Please join us at 10:50am at the Ridgewell War Memorial
A church service will follow to which all are invited

Children’s Club
Return of the popular Children’s club from 10am to 1pm for one day at Ridgewell Chapel, organised by the Ridgewell Chapel team. Contact ridgewellchapel@gmail.com for further info.

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Children’s Club
Return of the popular 3-day Children’s club from 10am to 1pm each day at Ridgewell Village Hall and organised by the Ridgewell Chapel team. Contact ridgewellchapel@gmail.com for further info.

The Medieval Carpenter in Ridgewell
Ridgewell History Society presents ‘The Medieval Carpenter in Ridgewell’, an illustrated talk by local historian Dr Patrick Crouch

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Ridgewell Parish Council Meeting
Ridgewell Village Hall meeting room at 7.15pm on Thursday 25th July

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Classic Car Show
Classic Car Show at Ridgewell Village Hall playing fields from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 16th June. Perfect for Father’s Day! Free admission to the public.
Huge Car display
Including war time vehicles
Light Entertainment
Bar & lunches available
Refreshments served all day

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Refuse Truck
The refuse truck will be parked on Church Lane, near the notice board, from 9am to 12pm.
For general items, and bulky items at their discretion. Cannot accept sofas, electrical items including TVs, fridges, freezers, computers, asbestos, liquids, batteries, rubble or hazardous waste, paint, oils, tyres, chemicals, upholstered items:
Sofa beds
Kitchen & dining room chairs (containing any upholstery)
Stools & footstools (containing any upholstery)
Home office chairs (containing any upholstery)
Bean bags, floor and sofa cushions
Including any part made of or containing leather, synthetic leather, other fabric or foam.

Ridgewell Plant Sale
The Garden Society presents the Ridgewell Plant Sale. Pick up some bargains or grow your own plants to sell.
Ridgewell Market at the Village Hall, 10am to 12:30.

OpenReach Community Meeting - upgrading Ridgewell broadband network
You can help upgrade the broadband network in Ridgewell.
Find out how at the free information drop-in event.
Ridgewell Village Hall 11am to 1pm
Michele from Openreach will be there to answer your questions

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.

Annual Parish Assembly (Village Meeting)
Open to all discussion with the Parish Council on the past year and priorities for the year ahead. All welcome!
You are invited to the Annual Parish Assembly of Ridgewell Parish Council.
Thursday 11th April 2024 at 7 pm
Village Hall, Drury Lane
The Annual Parish Assembly is not a Council Meeting – it is for people and groups of the Village to publicly talk about themselves, to celebrate local activities, thank people for their efforts and praise those who have inspired them toward the group’s achievements.
24/0001. Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly meeting held on 30 March 2023, already confirmed and approved/signed see previous minute.
24/0002. Chairman annual report for 2022-203 from Cllr Robert Steward.
24/0003. Public Participation/Open Forum
Opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and make comments.
24/0004. Chairman’s Address and Close of Meeting
24/0005. Date of next meeting.

Craft Market
Ridgewell Craft Market
Saturday 16th March 10am to 12.45pm at Ridgewell Village Hall
Stallholders, Refreshments & Charity Tombola supporting Brain Tumour Research

Ridgewell Parish Council meeting
Ridgewell Village Hall meeting room at 7.15pm on Thursday 14th March

Book & Bake sale
Book & Bake sale
At Ridgewell Village Hall Thursday 7th March 2pm to 4:30pm, organised by Friends of Ridgewell School
New & used books to choose from in all genres
Grab some tasty treats and refreshments
All money raised will go towards Ridgewell School’s NEW library!
This is a cash only event as we don’t have card facilities

Pop up Cafe
Don't forget! Ridgewell Pop Up Café is this Friday (last friday of month) in the village hall (CO9 4SL) between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
As usual we will be serving tea, coffee, savouries and cakes along with a generous helping of friendliness.
All welcome.