Where the money goes

Ridgewell Parish Council finances its activities from part of the Council Tax (the Precept) paid by households in the parish and is collected by Braintree District Council at the same time it collects the council tax money for Essex County Council, the Police and the Fire Service. The Parish Council precept maintains a clean and tidy environment within the Parish including maintenance of the village green, verges, trees and playing field; essential maintenance works on Council assets, street furniture and street lighting; provides allotments; produces the annual Newsletter; organises village events such as the Christmas Tree Ceremony and Spring Clean; maintains the website; meets the administrative costs of running the Parish Council in the discharge of its statutory duties including the cost of employing the Clerk and Village Hall Treasurer.


Even through Covid 19 and the national lockdowns, we have continued to maintain the green spaces/verges/footpaths, provision of the Handyman Service and general maintenance costs for the upkeep of the village. These services and facilities will continue to be provided in 2021/22

At the Parish Council meeting held in January 2021, Councillors set the precept for this financial year at £17,954. Your contribution to these services works out at £83.98 based on a Band D Council Tax Rate. The Parish Council has continued to find further efficiency savings across budget headings. The Handyman Service will continue this year albeit a scaled down service . The Parish Council will continue to identify savings and welcomes suggestions from residents. More information about how this money is spent can be accessed by clicking on the monthly council payment reports or receipt and payment reports . 

Budget/Precept 2021/22

How your money was spent in 2020/21


Accounts for Payment


Parish Budget and Precept