Final phase of play equipment
The final phase of play equipment at the village hall site was installed in April 2018, following the Hall and Playing Field Improvement Project’s success at obtaining further grants from the Essex County Council’s Community Initiative Fund, the Tesco Bags of Help scheme and Ridgewell Parish Council with the balance required coming from fundraising events held to date. This includes baby swings, a merry go round, nature trail and a Quadro seal springer, the same or similar to those pictured here, and completes the play equipment installation element of the project. We still have landscaping and the Multi-Use Games Area to fund-raise for but we are proud of what such a small team has achieved so far.
The latest grants were obtained by Isabel Mackay-Yau and Suzy Clarke who commented:
Suzy – “We are thrilled to be able to put the final phase of play equipment in. We have already seen such an increase in the number of people using the equipment and everyone’s staying for longer because the children have so much more to do”.
Isabel – “We are so proud to have achieved two of our aims which are to provide a welcoming and engaging space, to encourage children out into the fresh air, and to give a place for parents and carers to meet and socialise. Completing the play equipment strand means we can concentrate our efforts on raising funds for the Multi-Use-Games-Area and the remainder of the funds for the Village Hall project. We are grateful for the support from residents at fund-raising events and to grant providers without whom this would not be happening. ”
Graphic is of the nature trail